About Us
PROFITEST Limited Liability Company is accredited as a Certification Body for
products and is included in the Unified Register of the Customs Union.
Unique number of the accreditation record in the register of accredited persons: RA.RU.11NB07 dated 25.01.2019.
We are accredited for the right to carry out certification in accordance with the requirements
Technical regulations of the Customs Union.
The staff of our company includes experienced experts working in the approved field of certification.
We do not sell certificates, but competently and legitimately carry out conformity assessment,
which reduces the Applicant's problems to a minimum.
We have all the necessary resources to ensure the possibility of
conformity assessment in the approved Field of accreditation and are open to new legal cooperation.
We are demanding, but objective. We will not ask for more than is necessary according to the current norms.